Library Schedule

We do close our doors in the case of severe weather or extended power outage, to protect the safety of our staff and volunteers. We follow the Trumansburg Central School District inclement weather closing decisions. These closures are typically announced on the top banner of our website as well as via social media.

2025 Open/Close Schedule

We will be OPEN on:

January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

February 17: Presidents Day

October 13: Indigenous Peoples Day

November 11: Veterans Day

We will be CLOSED on:

January 1: New Year’s Day

May 24 & 26: Memorial Day weekend

June 19: Juneteenth

July 4 & 5: Independence Day

September 1: Labor Day

November 27 & 28: Thanksgiving

December 24-26: Winter holiday break

December 31: Closing early at 5 pm